
2012年12月22日 星期六


難得的好天氣,雖然周末還要上班,不過相信一定有不少的投資朋友準備在今晚去參加聖誕趴。 至於要穿怎樣的聖誕服裝才能在party中最引人注目呢? 以下的裝扮提供給各位參考喽! 

(一) 拐杖糖裝 (要價 $54.95)

If you're wondering why people would buy a skimpy Christmas costume, TotallyCostumes.com explains that the light up Christmas present skirt "is an ideal for for holiday rave wear or Christmas clubwear." It's on sale for $78.95. Candy cane fur leg warmers are an additional $54.95.

(二) 性感聖誕老人裝 (要價69)

Sexy Santa costumes are on the rise. This $69 number is called "Santa's Little Helper."

(三) 性感雪人裝

(四) 聖誕樹裝(要價$98.95) 

(五) 聖誕禮物裝

... and of course Christmas presents.

(六) 巧克力布丁裝

According to Fancy Dress Costumes, this £23.99 Saucy Pud costume "doesn't come with its own cream sauce, but it definitely is hot!" Who knew pudding could be sexy?

(七) 男版精簡聖誕裝 

(八) 猛男聖誕裝

(九) 麋鹿裝

So there are girl reindeer ...


... and boy reindeer.

(十) 北極熊裝

(十一) 薑餅裝

.(十二) 男版聖誕拐杖糖裝

(十三)  禮物裝

Of course guys are welcome to cover up with this Hugh Hefner-esque lounging jacket.

文章圖片來源: businessinsider